Saturday, November 5, 2011

Echinoderm anatomy made easy

The things that randomly cross my mind when I'm should be busy with work...

This one made me happy in invertebrate zoology class back in my 3 seas days.

The water vascular system song
The madreporite's connected to the... stone canal
The stone canal's connected to the... ring canal
The ring canal's connected to the...radial canal
The radial canal's connected to the... ampullae
The ampullae are connected to the... tube feet
And that's the way a starfish works!

Mr. Pentaceraster and Mr. Nidorellia would like to inform everyone that the label 'starfish' is a gross misnomer and wrongly represents their true affiliations. They would like you to know that they have nothing to do with those smelly, stuck-up, vertebrae-possessing fish, and are in fact part of the phylogenetically oppressed 97% of animal life. Mr. Eucidaris, who is lurking about in the background, would like to inform Mr. Pentaceraster and Mr. Nidorellia that they are "a pair of spine-less weenies, and should go stick their complaints up their cardiac stomachs."