Now that I know this kind of cage can work as an enclosure/exclosure, I'm going ahead and scaling up cage production in preparation for deployment next week. The test cage had a diameter of 0.5 m, which is a little small for a Pentceraster that can have an arm radius of ~20 cm. The new cages are 1 m in diameter, and I am constructing them from old caging material previously used to enclose sea urchins (yay for recycling old and fouled research gear). I have been working with wire cutters and cage wire and lots and lots of cable ties over the past 3 days.
I also made a few friends, and learnt that baby marine iguanas are small enough to fit through the holes of my cages.
Any kind of tedious and/or repetitive job needs a work song, so here is my cage building song:
I've Been Making Starfish Cages
(to the tune of "I've Been Working On the Railroad")
I've been making starfish cages
For hours every day
I've been making starfish cages
And the time just slips away
Hope my predator inclusions
Show me interaction strengths
Hope my starfish cages weather
The storms and surge and waves!
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