Thursday, September 15, 2011

Old field romping

We're into the second week of Fall classes so things should be settling down somewhat. Yay for classes that have a field trip the second week. And yay for classes that make small sotongs and their marine friends do terrestrial fieldwork.

Yesterday we drove about 45 minutes from Providence and sampled old field communities in Glocester, RI for an experimental design class. I'm always slightly surprised by how big the quadrats for terrestrial work are...I'm not sure if this is a general pattern. We quantified white pine abundances at different distances from the forest edge, and milkweed abundances on 10 x 10 m grids.

Old field with goldenrod and milkweed, and the forest edge in the background.

Counting milkweed in a square metre quadrat on a 10 x 10 grid.

Also, everything was remarkably clean, i.e. there was nothing wet or slimy or particularly smelly. I guess everything is weather-dependent (we got a tiny bit of rain) but still, nothing comparable to algae-covered butt.

Scuba Smurf came along too. Somewhat out of his element, but he quickly made friends with the milkweed.

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